





【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Dragon Pearl a good person?

1. Long Zhenzhu is a good person in "Leaning on a Railing One Day and the Storm Rises". She is an underground member of the Communist Party of China. As a student of Fuhua University, she received fresh education and advanced ideas. Under the impact of various forces, Long Zhenzhu dared to love and hate, and resolutely joined the Communist Party.

2. Longzhu has a special status. She is a student and a Communist Party member. She used her status as a cover to make outstanding contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution.

Leaning on the railing, a storm rises from the prototype of Meng Wuran

1. There is no specific prototype character for Meng Wuran in "Leaning on a Railing and A Storm of Clouds". Meng Wuran was a patriotic intellectual represented by Fuhua University, representing a group of people at that time. 2. Meng Wuran is on the road of continuing the fire of culture and saving the country through education.