





【英文介绍/For English】:

Is there anyone behind the confrontation with Zhu Qingyun?

1. There are people behind Zhu Qingyun in "The Showdown", but in order to protect himself, Zhu Qingyun became an abandoned child, and he took all the responsibilities. Although Zhu Qingyun was only a deputy mayor, but because of his blessing these years, so many crimes occurred in Luoyuan County, and they were all suppressed silently in the end.

2. Although Zhu Qingyun has great means, as the carpenter said, the person above is not just Zhu Qingyun, there are people in other places, or higher above.

Who is the prototype of Zhu Qingyun in the confrontation

1. Zhu Qingyun in "The Showdown" has no prototype. Zhu Qingyun is the deputy mayor of Fengzhou City, and he is also the man behind the scenes in the play. Zhu Qingyun does things for the people on the surface, but secretly manipulates his own interests, which is very insidious and cunning.