据哈哈娱乐网网站「花念伊人泪」消息,近日,尘封十三载为什么会留下一支笔 铅笔有什么含义引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

There are many mysteries in "Thirteen Years of Dust". After committing the crime, the murderer put the deceased in the pose of the oil painting and left a pen at the scene. Besides, there is no clue to help the police solve the case. The murder case is said to be a pencil murder case, so why did the murderer leave a pen? A pencil is not a crime tool, is it?

The murderer did not paint with paint, but with his life. After he finished the painting, he erased all traces to prevent the police from finding him, but he only left the pencil at the scene. Judging from the murder method, the murderer was thoughtful and absolutely not There will be a clue, but the police found a pencil at the murder scene. Obviously, it was left on purpose by the murderer.

Thirteen years ago, the murderer killed Du Mei and disappeared. Until 13 years later, a similar case happened again. After Wang Nannan died, she was put in a fish tank in a strange pose, just like an oil painting, except for her head There is a fatal wound, but there are no other traces of the crime, including surveillance and footprints. It can be seen that the murderer is skilled in the crime. Similarly, the murderer left a pencil at the scene, the same as 13 years ago, so the police investigated the case together.

The same case brought Wei Zhengrong and Lu Zhixing together again. The master and apprentice decided to investigate the truth. They also wondered why the murderer left a pencil. The pencil did not play any role in the murderer. The murderer left the pencil with two meanings. One was to provoke the police and show off his anti-reconnaissance ability. He felt that even if he left the pencil, the police would not be able to find him.

The second is that the murderer is obsessed with art. It can be guessed that he has an art background or is engaged in art work. The murderer likes to take pictures, and will record his works in various ways. Every time after killing someone, he puts the deceased in the pose of the oil painting, and he will not leave until the police arrive at the crime scene, which shows that the murderer is very courageous. He despises the criminal police.

The case is complicated and confusing. The murder case thirteen years ago must be related to the current case. The truth will only be known after the finale.