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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Prosecution" is a public prosecution commercial crime film starring Huang Jingyu and Bai Baihe. It will be released on April 29. It tells the story of prosecutors trying to find the truth in the fight against evil and evil. Huang Jingyu plays a prosecutor in the film , the audience is very curious why the producer will find Huang Jingyu to make this movie, and it is also the starring role. In everyone's impression, Huang Jingyu is acting in military dramas.

The story unfolds when university professor Xia Wei is suspected of intentional homicide. With the growing public opinion, the matter has entered an uncontrollable situation. Prosecutors Li Rui and Zhang Youcheng are responsible for investigating whether Xia Wei has committed murder. This matter is related, so the situation becomes more complicated, and it is even more difficult to find out the truth.

An old case that has been hidden for many years has been uncovered. This case is inextricably linked to the Xia Wei incident. Who is Zhu behind the scenes? In this movie, in addition to intentional homicide, there are also rape cases and collusion between officials and businessmen. Therefore, many people are implicated, and they are involved in the vortex of fate. Only by finding the truth can we sort out the twists and turns in the middle.

Tong Yuchen, played by Bai Baihe, is Xia Wei's defense lawyer. She is sober, rational, and articulate. She has confronted Li Rui many times in court. The two refused to give in to each other. However, Xia Wei, who has already arrived in court, did not say a word , her silence is very strange, it feels like she knows a lot of secrets that no one knows, besides, Xia Wei's husband Hong Junshan is not simple, what is he hiding?

The movie hasn't been released yet, so we don't know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Of course, Li Rui is definitely on the side of justice. Many people are curious why Li Rui chose Huang Jingyu to play the role. The general reason should be that Huang Jingyu has played soldiers and policemen. He has established a positive image, and the audience will feel righteous when they see him. Rui, just in line with the audience's aesthetics, Huang Jingyu said at the 9th Silk Road International Film Festival that there is still pressure to play a prosecutor for the first time.