


2、叶蓁蓁方芷衡朱喆还有余初晖何悯鸿,五位女孩在感情上的困惑,事业上的麻烦,还有一些原生家庭痛苦,都还没有结束 。




【英文介绍/For English】:

What does the ending of Ode to joy 4 mean?

1. The ending of "Ode to Joy 4" means that the troubles of the five girls have not been resolved, and there will be another drama, and the fifth "Ode to Joy" is the final chapter.

2. Ye Zhenzhen, Fang Zhiheng, Zhu Zhe, Yu Chuhui and He Minhong, the five girls' emotional confusion, career troubles, and some native family pains are not over yet.

3. Wait until the fifth part, we will see their transformation.

Is the filming of Ode to joy 5 finished?

The filming of "Ode to Joy 5" is over. "Ode to Joy" is a brand new story from the third part, and the third part, fourth part and fifth part are filmed together.