






【英文介绍/For English】:

See also what happened to the name change of Midsummer Night's Star

1. The name of "Midsummer Night's Star Again" was changed to better fit the plot, and also to better match the love and thoughts of the protagonist in the play, so that the audience can understand the plot at a glance.

2. The original title of the play is "Crossing the Lies and Embracing You", which is related to the experience of the heroine in the original work "The Sheep-herding Star". The heroine is a fraudster.

3. Later, in order to promote positive energy and convey good ideas, the name was changed.

See also why the star of Midsummer Night withdrew

The sudden withdrawal of "Midsummer Night's Star" did not specify the specific reason, but announced the postponement of the broadcast. I hope everyone can forgive me for this bad experience.