本篇文章给大家谈谈后浪定档5月14 跟随吴志刚赵露思感受中医魅力,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。








【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Back Wave" starring Wu Gang and Zhao Lusi is scheduled to be broadcast on May 14, and it tells the story of the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. The acting skills are all there, and it can be regarded as a good choice.

The theme of "Houlang" is about the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. The starring actors are Wu Gang, Zhao Lusi, Zhang Meng and others. The theme is novel and the background is good. After the trailer was broadcast, it has been expected by fans. Dragon TV aired it, and being able to star shows the influence of the show. In addition, the screenwriter Liuliu wrote the script, so there is no need to worry about the content. The popularity and word-of-mouth of the show should not be bad after it is broadcast.

"The Back Wave" director Han Xiaojun, screenwriter Liuliu, starring Wu Gang, Zhao Lusi, Luo Yizhou, Zhang Meng, etc., the resigned professor of the University of Chinese Medicine Ren Xin is leading the younger generations to learn Chinese medicine, inherit Chinese traditional culture, and carry forward Chinese medicine.

Sun Toutou, played by Zhao Lusi, has no father or mother, and has developed a character of being unrestrained and not thinking about the future since she was a child. However, after meeting Ren Xinzheng, her concept of life, personal spirit, and future plans have all been changed.

Ren Xinzheng has dealt with Chinese medicine all his life, he likes Chinese medicine culture very much, and he also wants to carry forward Chinese medicine, but because of traditional concepts and the continuous development of new things, many people are not interested in Chinese medicine, and he is also very distressed, but he Never give up, use patience and technology to infect the younger generation.

After Sun Toutou became Ren Xinzheng's apprentice, he also made it clear at the beginning that he was not interested in Chinese medicine, nor did he want to learn, let alone trying, he was not interested in simply listening to the name of Chinese medicine. Ren Xinzheng was also very helpless. Son Ren Tianzhen became Huanxi's friend.

The play has old actors in charge, as well as young artists joining in. Just like the reality, the younger generation needs time to learn Chinese culture, feel its long history, and inherit its profound knowledge.