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【英文介绍/For English】:

Everyone knows that "Long Moon Embers" is adapted from the original novel. Since there is an adaptation, the drama version must be different from the original novel. To adapt the storyline, you need to take a lot of risks, because you don't know what will happen after the adaptation. Whether the film and television works are accepted by the broad audience.

In the past, works with a relatively high degree of restoration of novels were "Chen Qingling" and "Dear Beloved", etc. The adaptations of these works are quite satisfactory to the audience, and book fans also think it is okay.

"Changyue Jinming" is also an adapted series. Anyone who has read the original work should know that this drama tells the love and hatred between Li Susu and Tantai Jin Sansheng III. During the process, the two got acquainted and fell in love, and finally came together. Let's take a look at the difference between the original book and the drama version.

First of all, Tantai Jin's life experience. In the drama version, he was born with a devil's fetus. His mother died of dystocia, and his father blamed him. In the novel, Tantai Jin caused his mother to die in order to survive. Then there are two women. In the drama version, after Ye Bingshang became Tianhuan, the whole family of Sangjiu was wiped out, and finally died at the hands of Sangjiu. In the novel, the second woman has only one identity, that is Ye Bingshang, the younger sister. Nuhe Tianhuan was added after the adaptation.

The biggest difference between the original book and the drama version is of course the name. The original book is called "The Script of Black Lotus", and the drama version is called "Long Moon Ember". Just looking at the name, I can't think of it together.

In the novel, the hero is cruel, ruthless, and inhumane. In order to lure Ye Xiwu, he spared no effort to kill innocent people. After Ye Xiwu died, he became murderous and very violent. In the drama version, Tantai Jin becomes humanized, not so cruel and inhumane.

In addition, the story line of the female supporting role Pianran in the drama version is richer than that in the original work. In the original work, Pianran is an infatuated fox who commits crimes in order to resurrect her beloved. Try to get your love back. Many lines in the original book have been changed, and some original flavors are missing. In short, since the show was broadcast, there has been a lot of controversy.