





【英文介绍/For English】:

Which issue of Mao Xuewang Yang Di

1. "Mao Xue Wang" Yang Di is in the 20211108 issue. The theme of this episode is a friend who is very good at saving money. Yang Di brought a housewarming gift to Mao Buyi and Li Xueqin, a door curtain. The key point is that the door curtain is a picture of the God of Wealth with Yang Di's face.

2. Yang Di himself also joked that the curtain brought him many announcements, and now he is passing on this good fortune to Mao Xuewang's family, hoping that the ratings of the show will continue to rise.

Who is Mao Xuewang's filming location?

1. The filming location of "Mao Xuewang" is a house specially rented by the program group for Mao Xuewang's family. Mao Xuewang's House is located in Beijing. It is a well-decorated house of more than 100 square meters. The kitchen has double entrances, and the open and closed can be switched at will. The living room is large enough, and everyone chats in the living room.