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Is Song Xiaoyu good or bad about the new house?

1. Song Xiaoyu in "A Covenant of a New Home" is not considered a bad person. She wholeheartedly wanted to marry a rich man to change her life. After graduating from college, she spent three days fishing and two days posting on the net, but she didn't do anything bad.

2. Song Xiaoyu took Yang Guang's kindness to her for granted, which is very bad. Knowing that the family was in debt, spending money like running water, even reaching out to ask Yang Guang for money.

3. Song Xiaoyu's character design is a gold digger, who wants to pursue the life she wants wholeheartedly, and weighs all kinds of pros and cons.

What is the relationship between Yang Guang and Song Xiaoyu?

1. "The Covenant of a New Home" Yang Guang and Song Xiaoyu are brothers and sisters. Yang Guang's master is Song Xiaoyu's father, who entrusted his wife and daughter to Yang Guang before the master passed away. 2. Yang Guang is an honest man. From then on, Yang Guang will be responsible for all of Song Xiaoyu's affairs, including the huge debt.