






【英文介绍/For English】:

What happened to Chen Gong's father in the wind from Longxi

1. "The Wind Rises from Longxi" Ten years ago, Chen Gong's father was killed while guarding Zizhong. At that time, Guo Huai incited the soldiers to rebel, and Yang Yi told Zhuge Liang about the situation. For the sake of the country, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to ask Feng Ying to disclose the news to Guo Huai, which led to the death of Chen Gong's father.

2. At that time, Feng Ying had no choice but to betray the news. At that time, national interests and personal life and death were more important than others. It was a good choice. Chen Gong's father died because of this.

3. In episode 20, Chen Gong and Feng Ying discussed his father's death that year. Feng Ying tried to persuade Chen Gong to turn back, but was rejected.

The wind rises from Longxi Liu Ying is good or bad

1. Liu Ying in "The Wind Rises from Longxi" is bad. Liu Ying is a spy of the State of Wei, and cooperates with Chen Gong, and they serve the State of Wei together. Liu Ying created an opportunity to meet Xun Xu, making her deeply rooted in her, and later made Feng Ying fall in love with her by relying on her beauty.