






【英文介绍/For English】:

Why are fans of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo passion fruit

1. The fans of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are called Passion Fruit because the initials of Passion Fruit are BXG, where B stands for Wang Yibo, X stands for Xiao Zhan, and G stands for female fans.

2. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo became popular with "Chen Qing Ling", and their popularity soared. Until now, they are still the top male artists in the entertainment industry.

3. Passion Fruit is the CP fan of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. They are basically girls. The name of the CP fan is Passion Fruit, which includes the names of the two masters, which is very nice.

What is the relationship between Xiao Zhan and Ayunga?

Xiao Zhan's popularity is still very good. He and Ayunga met through the program "Our Song". friendship.