





1、《没有工作的一年》何雨用的手机是oppo Reno6。大何雨使用的这款手机外形靓丽,玫红色的颜色非常具有少女心。2、这款手机的后壳还有一种波光粼粼的观感,颜色有多种,非常适合年轻人使用。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Did He Yu find a job after a year without a job?

1. "A Year Without a Job" He Yu found a job. He Yu was dismissed in a disguised form by the company. He Yu, who was broken in love and unemployed, suddenly had no hope of life, and finally found a new job with everyone's encouragement and support.

2. Da He Yu originally thought that she still had a lot of balance in her bank card, but it turned out that there was not much demand deposit, so she could only look for a job.

3. Da He Yu started out as a part-time job, and slowly under the influence of Xiao He Yu, he found the direction of life and career, and achieved both career and love.

What mobile phone did He Yu use during the year without work

1. The mobile phone used by He Yu in "A Year Without Work" is oppo Reno6. The mobile phone used by Da He Yu is beautiful in appearance, and the rose red color is very girlish. 2. The back shell of this mobile phone also has a sparkling look and a variety of colors, which is very suitable for young people.