

1、综艺《新游记》节目中嘉宾们使用的是三星Galaxy Z Fold3手机。引起观众注意的是它的折叠屏,折叠之后非常的小巧,还能单手分屏操作。




【英文介绍/For English】:

What mobile phone do you use for variety show new travel notes

1. The guests in the variety show "New Journey" used Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 mobile phones. What attracted the audience's attention was its folding screen, which is very compact after folding, and can be operated in split screen with one hand.

2. This mobile phone has successfully attracted the attention of the audience due to the use of the guests. The folding screen is convenient for handling many things without interfering with each other. The important thing is that the appearance design is very good-looking, the hand feels good, and the overall fluency of the machine is also very good.

What is the role distribution of the variety show New Journey Notes

1. Wang Yanlin Sun Wukong, Chen Feiyu Tang Seng, Yue Yunpeng Zhu Bajie, Lin Gengxin Drifting Monk, Huang Zitao Little White Dragon, Zhang Ruoyun Shancai in the variety show "New Journey". 2. Several guests won different role medals for their different behaviors in the survival test, and these medals played an important role in the finalization process.