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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Grandma's New World" Dou Qi is Dou Xiaojing's daughter and grandma's granddaughter. She was watched by her grandma when she was young. Met the retired player who stayed up late, the two met because of surfing, and then met, and a happy life began.

"Grandma's New World" Dou Qi and Fang Keqi are together. The two are netizens. They met because of online chat, and then became good friends. Although they lied when they met for the first time, their hearts to each other are very pure And very sincerely.

Dou Qi and Fang Keqi became netizens on the Internet because they like to travel, and because they like Rwanda, they started chatting casually. After a long time, they built trust with each other, and then asked whether they wanted to meet each other, but Dou Qi Because there is a scalded scar on his neck, he has always had low self-esteem, and there is no entertainment in wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Because her grandmother ran away from home, Dou Qi also learned a lot on the way to find her, her personality gradually became brighter, and she also understood some principles of life. put on the agenda.

Fang Keqi is also an honest and responsible child. After meeting Dou Qi, she expressed her liking. The chat between the two was quite pleasant, but later she voluntarily admitted that she had never been to Rwanda and did not have those rich travel experiences. Keqi also admitted that she lied, but the scars on her neck were praised as being true. For the first time, Dou Qi was praised by others for the scars instead of strange eyes, and she was very happy in her heart.

Dou Qi is actually a very kind girl. Under the education of her grandmother, she has a very sense of responsibility in her heart. She may have the impulse of young people or some other ideas. At first, she may not want to continue living with her grandmother, but after this experience Later, Dou Qi discovered the personal charm of her grandmother, and she was willing to learn from her and grow up quickly. I hope that this Fang can be a good person who will accompany Dou Qi to grow up.