
你看我几分像从前bgm是《 La La La (你看我几分像从前)》歌曲,演唱者是BGM姐姐。《 La La La》歌词里“我就站在你面前、你看我几分像从前、诶哟我去,我就站在你面前、你看我几分像从前、诶哟我去”,歌词简单有魔性,关键非常押韵,更能抒发听众内心的烦闷之情,加上短视频的渲染,成功在网络上走红。


《 La La La (你看我几分像从前)》歌曲的旋律热情又欢快,另外歌词简单易懂,更能抒发听众的情感,不管是蜕变成功或者是童年成年照片的对比,运用该BGM非常适合,《 La La La (你看我几分像从前)》引发了全新的嗨歌热潮。

【英文介绍/For English】:

How do you look like I used to be? The bgm is the song "La La La (How do you look like I used to be)", the singer is the BGM sister. In the lyrics of "La La La", "I stand in front of you, you see how I used to be, hey, I will go, I will stand in front of you, you see how I used to be, hey, I will go", the lyrics Simple and magical, the key is very rhyming, which can better express the inner boredom of the audience. Coupled with the rendering of short videos, it has successfully become popular on the Internet.

With the popularity of short videos, a lot of hot songs have appeared on the Internet. With suitable videos, they have successfully attracted the attention of netizens. Among them, I am standing in front of you. Look at me, I used to rely on the magic tune , plus the lively tunes became popular on the Internet.

The melody of the song "La La La (Look at me a bit like before)" is passionate and cheerful, and the lyrics are simple and easy to understand, which can better express the emotions of the audience. Whether it is the success of transformation or the comparison of childhood and adult photos, using this BGM is very Suitable, "La La La (Look at me a bit like before)" triggered a new wave of high songs.