








【英文介绍/For English】:

keep silent, who fell into the ice at the end

It was Zhang Xiaojie who finally fell into the ice in "Keep Silent". In the finale, Zhang Xiaojie jumped from the top floor and chose to commit suicide. At this time, he recalled his childhood. Bullied by a group of kids, Winter falls into the ice and struggles to get ashore, without success.

This memory of Zhang Xiaojie seems to explain his own life. The broken family and the experience of being bullied in childhood left scars on his heart, even though the wounds in his heart did not heal after he grew up.

Just like what Zhang Xiaojie said, maybe people's fate is doomed from the very beginning. He fell into the icy water and struggled to be rescued, but he couldn't make it to the shore, just like his final ending.

Zhang Xiaojie hopes to get love from his family, and he pretends to be Wan Sicheng as well. After Wan Wenfang knew that she was not her own child, she didn't dare to face her miserable experience and true identity, so she chose an extreme method to kill Wan Wenfang.

At the end of the film, when Zhang Xiaojie knew that Duan Mulan was pregnant, Zhang Xiaojie chose to let Duan Mulan go. From this point of view, Zhang Xiaojie actually hopes that every child will be loved and loved, and stop being like himself.

keep silent who is the murderer

"Keep Silent" The murderer is Jimmy. Wan Wenfang abandoned his son because of his career many years ago. Many years later, the popular star Wan Wenfang was assassinated before the performance, and the murderer who did all this was Jimmy. Because Jimmy is not Wan Wenfang's biological son, he is worried that Wan Wenfang will abandon him because of this matter.