






【英文介绍/For English】:

Thai version of Meteor Garden Ximen and Xiaoyou's ending

The Thai version of Meteor Garden Ximen and Xiaoyou ended up together. The grapefruit CP pair Ximen and Xiaoyou ushered in a happy ending. Ximen confessed to Xiaoyou that he did not chase out because of his childhood sweetheart, but because he was worried about Xiaoyou. The worried expression had already betrayed his mind. It was really not easy for the two of them to be able to untangle their hearts.

In the Thai drama "Meteor Garden", Ximen is the king of the sea who does not stick to the game world, and Xiaoyou is a simple and kind-hearted ordinary girl. When Xiaoyou falls in love with Ximen, her secret love is destined to be bumpy, not to mention that Ximen has another childhood sweetheart.

Ximen is a playboy in the world, and the women around him have never stopped. It is undeniable that Ximen is very charming, and it is reasonable for Xiaoyou to fall in love with him. Xiaoyou is very kind, for the sake of Ximen's happiness, she can work hard to help him untie his knot, and even go to find her rival in love. In the end, Ximen gave up his childhood sweetheart and was moved by Xiaoyou, and the two ushered in a happy ending.

Who did the heroine of the Thai version of Meteor Garden end up with

Shancai, the heroine of the Thai version of "Meteor Garden", finally got together with Daoming Si. Shancai hated Daomingsi's arrogance and arrogance very much at first, but later in getting along, Shancai understood the gentleness under Daomingsi's strong appearance, especially his inner loneliness, and finally the two resolved their misunderstanding and got together.