




1、韩剧《三十九》美昭和善宇在一起了。美昭解开了心结,和养父母的关系 更加密切,对于生母她再也不会期待什么,善宇也和父母和解,父亲也逐渐理解了善宇。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is the biological mother of the heroine of thirty-nine Korean dramas

1. The heroine of the Korean drama "Thirty-Nine" is born with Lee Kyung-sook. Li Jingshu is a female liar and is very good at manipulating people's hearts. After she gave birth to her daughter, she didn't care about it. After knowing that her daughter was adopted, she even borrowed money from Mei Zhao's adoptive parents, disturbing Mei Zhao's life again and again.

2. After Mei Zhao found out about the situation of her biological mother, she went to the prison to sever ties with her mother, and said not to disturb her life.

Who is the heroine of Korean drama thirty-nine together

1. Mi Zhao and Sun Woo are together in the Korean drama "Thirty Nine". Mei Zhao untied her heart knot, and her relationship with her adoptive parents became closer. She no longer expected anything from her biological mother, Sun Woo also reconciled with her parents, and her father gradually understood Sun Woo.