






【英文介绍/For English】:

Why Feng Xiaoqin married Gu Lei

1. Feng Xiaoqin in "Heart Home" married Gu Lei because of her Shanghai household registration. Gu Lei is Shanghai himself, and if he marries Gu Lei, he will have a Shanghai hukou. After half a year of getting married, Feng Xiaoqin and Gu Lei became pregnant, and then they got married with a son.

2. Feng Xiaoqin is from Anhui and came to Shanghai to work. After experiencing various jobs, she still couldn't make any money. Then she thought of becoming a daughter-in-law in Shanghai, so that at least she could have a family.

3. Zhan Xiang introduced Gu Lei to Feng Xiaoqin. Although Gu Lei had a handicap, Feng Xiaoqin got married because of his Shanghai household registration.

What is the relationship between Feng Xiaoqin and Shi Boss?

1. Feng Xiaoqin and Boss Shi in "Heart Home" are friends. Boss Shi was the first friend Feng Xiaoqin met when he came to Shanghai, and he was also a very important client of Feng Xiaoqin when he was doing insurance sales.