






【英文介绍/For English】:

Which episode of Zhen Huan's biography Jingbai's tongue was cut off

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" Jingbai's tongue was cut off is the 63rd episode. Qigui ordered Jingbai to frame Zhen Huan and Wen Shichu for having an affair, but Mo Yan's appearance gave Zhen Huan strong proof that the two had nothing to do with each other. Instead, Jingbai was exposed and the gold and silver treasures were found. The emperor listened to An Lingrong's suggestion, Cut off Shizuku's tongue as punishment.

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" After Zhen Huan returned to the palace from Ling Yunfeng, Empress An Lingrong of Qigui came up with a new method to frame Zhen Huan. Qi Guiren bought Jingbai and maid Fei Wen to prove that the imperial physician Wen Shichu had an affair with Zhen Huan, but Unexpectedly, the appearance of Mo Yan in the end exposed Qigui's conspiracy, Jingbai's tongue was cut off, and Qigui was imprisoned in the cold palace.

When she was in Ganlu Temple, Jingbai tortured Zhen Huan a lot, and she was also afraid that Zhen Huan would retaliate against her, so she listened to Qi Guiren's words and went to the palace to give false testimony. Jingbai is not an opponent of Zhen Huan's lineup at all. In the end, referring to the ending of cutting her tongue, Zhen Huan also put her tongue in front of Qigui, in order to warn her not to talk nonsense.

English: Who are the three groups of Angela in the legend of Zhen Huan

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" Angela trio is An Lingrong, nobleman Qi, and Queen Ulanara Yixiu. Angela was originally a character in the game. In the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Queen Yixiu was the villain, and she had many members under her command. Among them, An Lingrong and Qigui were her loyal dogs.