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【英文介绍/For English】:

On the evening of May 22, Luo Ying and Huang Ruien, the latest news of the first season of "Semi-familiar Lovers", officially announced their breakup. The two returned to friendship and will support each other. It's really a pity that we came to the point of breaking up only because we separated the two places and got together less and separated more.

Luo Ying and Huang Ruien met through participating in "Half-familiar Lovers". Huang Ruien identified Luo Ying from the beginning, but Luo Ying was always entangled. Under Huang Ruien's pursuit, Luo Ying agreed to give him a try. Both of them are mature A stable person who makes people feel comfortable with each other.

In the show, Huang Ruien is the oldest guest. Netizens call him big brother, and Luo Ying becomes sister-in-law. Huang Ruien takes good care of Luo Ying, treating her like a little girl, and Luo Ying has always relied on Huang Ruien. Before they formally established a relationship, they maintained a sense of proportion, so far.

What impresses everyone the most is Huang Ruien's preference for Luo Ying. Luo Ying is the only one in his eyes and heart. As long as one person is identified, he will keep a distance from other girls, and he can feel a sense of security from his elder brother. At the end of the show, Huang Ruien confessed his love to Luo Ying. He said, "I'm not confident in front of you." Once I fall in love with someone, I will feel inferior, which is normal.

Huang Ruien asked Luo Ying "Would you like to go on with me?" Luo Ying replied "I do". Showing affection on social platforms, the two just want to live their own lives.

I just didn't expect that Luo Ying and Huang Ruien announced their breakup on May 22. There were differences between the two. Netizens speculated that it was the long-distance relationship and work pressure that caused them to choose to break up and return to a comfortable single state. This is also understandable. Their They have the final say on their feelings, no matter how much netizens regret it, it's useless, I hope they are all well.