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In this life with you Nie Yucheng knows the child is his

"This Life With You" Nie Yucheng episode 14 knows the child is his. The daughter-in-law of my colleague Lao Dong gave birth to a child, and everyone went to celebrate and discussed the child's appearance. At this time, Nie Yucheng seemed to have thought of something, and then found Tan Jing and confirmed Pingping's identity. Due to the twists and turns, Tan Jing asked Nie Yucheng to go to Nie Dongyuan to find out the truth of the matter.

"This Life With You" Tan Jing and Nie Yucheng were originally a loving couple, but because of the emotional grievances of their parents, the young couple was forced to break up. The two met again many years later. Tan Jing was married and had a child. Having a disease, he happened to be admitted to the hospital of his first love Nie Yucheng, and during the process of treating the child, Nie Yucheng discovered that Tan Jing's child was actually his own.

Nie Yucheng learned the truth of the matter through his father, and he could also imagine how difficult it would be for Tan Jing, a student, to live a life like her father's disappearance and her own pregnancy, so he cried and hated himself why he didn't ask more questions. ?

Why did Tan Jing and Nie Yucheng break up with you in this life?

"This Life With You" Tan Jing and Nie Yucheng were originally a very well-matched couple. Their love views and values ​​are very well-matched. It is intentional pregnancy.