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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the TV series "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shine Star", after Lin Beixing traveled through time, he always returned to reality because of Zhang Wansen's death, so why did Zhang Wansen jump off the tower? Did Zhang Wansen, like Lin Beixing, travel through time? Next, let's take a look together.

It is reported that Zhang Wansen did not jump off the tower to commit suicide, he was actually pushed down by others, and the murderer was Lei Ge. The reason why Zhang Wansen went to the water tower was mainly to protect Lin Beixing. It can be seen that Zhang Wansen really likes Lin Beixing.

Judging from the development of the plot, Zhang Wansen is actually time-traveling, but the timing of his time-traveling is different from that of Lin Beixing. From some details in the play, it can be seen that Lin Beixing has time-traveled, and Zhang Wansen has also time-traveled, but their time-travels did not overlap.

After time travel, Lin Beixing wants to live her life again. She studies hard and hopes to pass the college entrance examination to change her destiny. However, she always returns to reality because of Zhang Wansen's death. Therefore, if Lin Beixing wants to experience her highlight moment, she must To prevent Zhang Wansen from dying.

In fact, the drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle Star" is based on secret love, and it is also a very sweet school drama. In the final ending, Lin Beixing completed the last time travel and returned to reality, and the person who appeared in the ending is actually Zhang Wansen, so the ending of this drama is good. Therefore, Zhang Wansen did not die in the end. Lin Beixing also became a Veterinarian Without Borders through hard work, and she fulfilled Zhang Wansen's dream.

The drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star" also added elements of traversal. This kind of theme is relatively new, and this school drama with traversal elements is also very sweet. At the same time, we also know that it turns out that a person can really have a crush on someone for many years. It is really enviable that Lin Beixing can have such a relationship. Although the ending of the show is open, the last person who appeared must be Zhang Wansen.