





《天下粮仓》27名清官被斩是在第16集,而被斩的官员中有一位清河知县叫李忠,李忠是 "阴兵借粮 "的主使者。不过,李忠是为了不让百姓饿死,所以才打开了官仓赈粮,因为清河灾荒不断,很多人都被饿死了,李忠不得已才想出了这个办法。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Which episode is the granary in the world and the soldiers borrowing grain

"The Granary of the World" is the 15th episode of Yin Borrowing Grain. Due to the continuous disasters in Qinghe County, the people suffered from hunger. In order to relieve the hungry people, Li Zhong, the county magistrate, wanted to open the official food to help the people, but opening the official food privately was a capital offense. method, hoping to avoid guilt.

In the 15th episode of "The Granary of the World", the matter of Li Zhongyin's soldiers borrowing grain was exposed, and he was also arrested and sent to the capital for punishment. Li Zhong told Gao Bin in the small temple why the Yin soldiers borrowed food. This year, the Qinghe River suffered from constant disasters. Floods and droughts made them lose their crops. The people were almost starving to death. The imperial court’s relief boats came every day, but none of them could reach the shore, so Li Zhong used Yin soldiers to borrow food. Under the pretext of opening the official food and helping the people.

What Li Zhong did was to be responsible to the people, but it was illegal according to the laws and regulations at the time. In the end Li Zhong was beheaded, and the people brought paper money to pay homage to him. He was also a very tragic hero.

27 upright officials of Tianxia Granary were beheaded

The 27 upright officials of "The Granary of the World" were beheaded in the 16th episode, and among the beheaded officials was Li Zhong, the magistrate of Qinghe County, who was the main messenger of "Yin Borrowing Grain". However, Li Zhong opened the official warehouse to provide food in order to prevent the people from starving to death. Because of the constant famine in Qinghe, many people were starved to death, so Li Zhong came up with this method as a last resort.