








【英文介绍/For English】:

Who was the leader of bad people during Wu Zetian's period

The leader of the bad guys in Wu Zetian's period was Bad Shuai. In the anime "Painting Jianghu: Bad People", the bad guy is Yuan Tiangang, a famous warlock in the Tang Dynasty, and the main task of the bad guys is to help the court arrest important criminals.

Historically, bad people were the errands in charge of investigation and arrest in the Tang Dynasty. There are records about bad people in the "Appellation Record", and the leader who leads bad people is called bad handsome.

"Painting the Bad People of the Rivers and Lakes" is a domestic animation produced with the background of the bad people organization in the Tang Dynasty, which restores the existence form of the bad people. Bad People is a mysterious department set up by the government of the Tang Dynasty, divided into thirty-six captains of Tiangang, and distributed in various government offices.

The job of the bad guys is to patrol the market and arrest important criminals, but the bad guys are only responsible to the emperor and are directly managed by the emperor, which is equivalent to the Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty.

The status of bad people in the Tang Dynasty was not high. Most of the members were black and white gangsters who became bad people after being recruited. They were only responsible for investigation, not trial, so they were not as good as Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty.

Who is Wu Shenxing Wu Zetian

Wu Shenxing is Wu Zetian's nephew. In "The Wind Rises in Luoyang", Wu Shenxing is the king of Jin and the nephew of the sage Wu Zetian. He is ambitious, not only has an ambiguous relationship with the sage's Huanxiang, but also is very arrogant. It's a duel with my cousin Wu You, not a master of silence.