






【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is Luo Sha in Journey to the West

"Journey to the West" Raksha is the iron fan princess. Monkey King came to Cuiyun Mountain outside the Plantain Cave and met a woodcutter. The woodcutter told Monkey King two names of Princess Iron Fan, one was Iron Fan Fairy and the other was Raksha Girl. It turned out that people in ancient times were also like this. They called them immortals when they needed them, and called them Rakshasa girls when they didn't. It's a bit sad.

Princess Iron Fan is the wife of the Bull Demon King and the mother of Red Boy, because she has a plantain fan that can extinguish the flames of the Huoyan Mountain, so she is called the Iron Mountain Fan by the local residents, but some people call her the Rakshasa Girl. The sages have this treasure, good at putting out fires and protecting people there, so they are called Iron Fan Immortals. People here don’t use him, only know that he is called Rakshasa.”

Through the dialogue between the woodcutter and Sun Wukong, we know that Princess Iron Fan is not her real name, but her original name is Rakshasa. In the allusions, Rakshasa is usually a ghost or a ghost who has cultivated into an adult. It is the stage from ghost to fairy. It is also very hard to practice.

The order of appearance of master and apprentice in Journey to the West

"Journey to the West" master and apprentice appearance order: Tang Seng, Monkey King, White Dragon Horse, Zhu Bajie, Sand Monk. In "Journey to the West", Tang Seng is a predestined person sent by Tathagata to go to the west to learn scriptures. Under the guidance of Guanshiyin, he went to the Five Elements Mountain and removed the pressure stickers that suppressed Monkey King.