

焦岳带齐家宜去了一个地方,今天这里没什么人,不过齐家宜没想到是焦岳包场了。两年来,焦岳无时无刻不在脑海里彩排这一刻,但到了这一刻脑海却又变得一片空白。在齐家宜身上,焦岳看到了光,看到了纯粹干净的生命力,他把这辈子的运气都花在了认识她身上。焦岳说 ,是齐家宜拯救了自己,于是他决定和齐家宜开始一段新的旅程,无论人生多么颠簸,都会用余生来照顾她,来回答这份爱。齐家宜泣不成声地接受了焦岳的求婚,二人被包围在幸福的欢呼声中。

【英文介绍/For English】:

"Warm and Sweet" Qi Jiayi finally got together with Jiao Yue.

Jiao Yue took Qi Jiayi to a place, there was no one here today, but Qi Jiayi didn't expect Jiao Yue to reserve the venue. Over the past two years, Jiao Yue has been rehearsing this moment in his mind all the time, but at this moment, his mind has become blank again. In Qi Jiayi, Jiao Yue saw the light, saw the pure and clean vitality, and he spent all his luck in this life on getting to know her. Jiao Yue said that it was Qi Jiayi who saved him, so he decided to start a new journey with Qi Jiayi. No matter how bumpy life is, he will spend the rest of his life taking care of her and answering this love. Qi Jiayi accepted Jiao Yue's marriage proposal in tears, and the two were surrounded by happy cheers.