





《风起洛阳》是唐朝 的故事。武周时期,告密者接连死亡,而副帅高秉烛被牵连到了案件中,成为了嫌疑人,为了调查真相,失去父亲的百里弘毅,奉命追查真相的内卫思月,组成了调查小分队,为了案件的真相而努力。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is the man who is good at the halberd in Luoyang when the wind rises?

The person who is good at the halberd in "The Wind Rises from Luoyang" is Shiliuye, also known as My Lady. Yaoniang is the top killer of Chunqiu Dao, she was ordered to kill many people in Bad Well, and anyone who threatens Chunqiu Dao will be killed by her halberd. wink.

In the TV series "The Wind Rises in Luoyang", the one who is good at holding a halberd is Izayoi. Her halberd is not only a weapon for killing people, but also a talisman for self-defense. At the beginning, my mother's father sold her for a bag of grain, and left without looking back. My mother was full of hatred for her father, and it was this hatred that supported her to survive.

During the cruel training process of Chunqiu Dao, Miao Niang has been living an inhuman life, but she has been fighting to survive. Later, she settled down in the capital of God, owned a gambling house, and met a man who really cared about her. But she is a killer. Emotions cannot be revealed. As she said, it is too late to meet you, it is too late. It's really sad that my mother lived for hatred and died because of emotion.

Which dynasty is the wind rising in Luoyang?

"The Wind Rises from Luoyang" is a story of the Tang Dynasty. During the Wu Zhou period, the informers died one after another, and the deputy commander Gao Bingzhu was implicated in the case and became a suspect. In order to investigate the truth, Baili Hongyi, who lost his father, and Neiwei Siyue, who was ordered to investigate the truth, formed an investigation team. , Work hard for the truth of the case.