


哥谭是蝙蝠侠、小丑等众多超级英雄的家乡,当然这里也诞生了很多的反派角色,而哥谭和超人所在的大都会相隔不远。最开始比尔·芬格(Bill Finger)曾经用纽约作为蝙蝠侠生活过的城市,但后来感觉虚拟的城市会更适合,在经过了千万次挑选后,最终定下了哥谭。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Gotham is the prototype of New York City. Gotham is a virtual city under DC Comics in the United States. It is located on the east coast of the United States. It is a municipality in New Jersey. The climate belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate. The main attractions are Wayne Tower, Crime Alley, ACE Chemical plants, Arkham Asylum, Blackgate Prison, etc., are very popular.

Gotham is also called Gotham City, Gotham City, and Gotham City. Although it is only a fictional city, it does not prevent the audience from exploring its prototype. Gotham first appeared in the comics of "Batman" in December 1940, jointly created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, and then Gotham became famous in the world because it was the city where Batman lived and his hometown famous.

Gotham is the hometown of many superheroes such as Batman and the Joker. Of course, many villains have also been born here, and Gotham is not far from the metropolis where Superman is located. At first, Bill Finger used New York as the city where Batman lived, but later he felt that a virtual city would be more suitable. After thousands of choices, he finally settled on Gotham.