



【英文介绍/For English】:

"Golden Shield" is a single, not the theme song of a TV series. "Golden Shield" is a song sung by Nie Yan for the people's police. The lyrics "I come from thousands of households, engrave the promise of safety in the golden shield every day, the sun rises and the moon rises, and the day and night change", described from the first perspective The song also won the 2018 Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department's Excellent Literature and Art Award of the year.

"Golden Shield" is written and composed by Nie Yan, and the singer is Nie Yan. It was released on July 5, 2017. The lyrics express the police's aspirations through the first person, and the hard work of the police industry can be felt from the lyrics. A sentence is very graphic, coupled with the melodious and melodious voice of Nie Yan, the emotions conveyed are very grand.

Nie Yan is a singer and a director. She has created many military songs, such as "A Soldier and His Wife", "A Good Daughter Wants to Marry a Soldier Brother", "A Lifetime Military Dream", "China's Dream of a Strong Army", "China , The State of My Parents", etc., her voice is magnificent and powerful, and the songs she sings are very emotional.