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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Criminal Investigation Notes" is a crime suspense drama starring Lu Shan and Yang Haoming. The intricate story content is unfolded in the form of unit stories. Is the drama an original script or an adaptation of a novel? There is indeed a novel called "Criminal Investigation Notes" on the Internet. Is it the same work as the TV series?

It is understood that "Criminal Investigation Notes" is an original script, and the novel on the Internet just has the same name as this drama. The characters and plot are completely different. They are two independent individuals without any connection.

The story begins with the murder of a rich man. The rich man in S City seemed to be cursed, and they died one after another in strange ways. The cause of their death is a mystery. However, a black shadow appeared at the scene of the three cases. I don’t know who this shadow is. of. Fu Yaoyao, Jiang Zuo'an and others from the Criminal Investigation Brigade jointly launched an investigation, and the fog of mystery was gradually cleared away, and the truth surfaced with everyone's efforts.

"Criminal Investigation Notes" is scheduled to be released on May 30, and it is an updated complete work, so you can watch it all at once. The entire drama is unfolded from a female perspective. Fu Yaoyao is meticulous in her thoughts, discerns every detail, and never misses any details. The audience follows her perspective to get closer to the truth.

Jiang Zuo'an is the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team, and also Fu Yaoyao's tacit partner. They are both the embodiment of justice. It is the duty-bound mission of the criminal investigators to punish rape and eradicate evil. In addition to Fu Yaoyao and Jiang Zuo'an, Zhong Shenhao, Chai Yuan, Xiao Ying and Liu Chi are also people with a sense of justice. They help the hero and heroine investigate the case.

Zhong Shenhao is a young chemist with many skills and can obtain information and materials related to the case in his own way. Chai Yuan is usually disguised in plain clothes to facilitate evidence collection, Sakura is an excellent forensic doctor, and Liu Chi is a responsible policeman. The protagonists of this show are all good people, and they have the same goal. What is the mysterious curse behind death?

A martial arts star fell to his death on the set of a movie, a rich man bled from his orifices while dating his lover, and an internet celebrity female anchor fell to her death. These bizarre cases are not simple, and the murderer is also someone unexpected.