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Date: 28.04.2013 Last updated: 18.03.2014 at 18.01
Category: BBC One; Drama
BBC One's critically acclaimed epic Sunday night drama series starring Maxine Peake and John Simm will return with six more episodes next year. Peter Moffat's story charts the life and turbulent times of one English village across the whole of the 20th century.
Peter Moffat, creator and writer of The Village says: “I'm thrilled at the prospect of bringing to the screen the plans I've got for all these characters (and some new ones) as the life of the village moves away from the horror of war and into the roaring Twenties. Boom and bust, the Charleston and the Black Bottom, motor cars, extreme politics, fish and chips, jazz, bananas, cinema, the decline of the aristocracy and the rise of the middle classes - the outside world comes to the village, bringing with it the big drama that change always generates. I'm very grateful for the support the BBC have given this project right from the start. No other broadcaster I can think of would have the confidence to do it.”
Danny Cohen, Controller of BBC One says: "The Village is drama of the highest quality. Brilliantly written, beautifully produced, and performed with huge talent and imagination. I'm really proud to have it on the BBC and delighted it is coming back for a second series."
John Griffin, Executive Producer says: “We are delighted with the success of The Village and the response we have had to such a beautiful authored piece from Peter Moffat. The cast have been extraordinary in what is very much an ensemble piece and we look forward to working with them again on series two. We have worked closely with the BBC to make this an e


你说的应该是百年乡情吧,英文名The Village,根据以下官方资料,目前有两季,第二季是在2014年8月10号到9月14号播出的。根据英剧惯例,如果收视好会继续出第三季的,应该会在明年。

The Village is a BBC TV series written by Peter Moffat. The drama is set in a Derbyshire village in the 20th century. The first series of what Moffat hopes will become a 42-hour TV drama was broadcast in spring 2013 and covered the years 1914 to 1920. A second season was broadcast between 10th August and 14 September 2014, and continued the story into the 1920s.[1] Future series will be set during the Second World War, post-war Austerity Britain, and later.










