






【英文介绍/For English】:

Song Baiyu dies in the first few episodes

Song Baiyu died in the seventeenth episode. His body was found in the trunk of a car. It was so decomposed that the original appearance of the body could not be seen. The forensic doctor determined that the dead were Song Baiyu and Qin Xiuwen after DNA comparison of hair samples , Two people had taken refuge in the container, and the cause of death was drowning.

Song Jinxiu and the others were devastated when they found out that Song Baiyu had died. Song Jinxiu had only one son, and their mother and son had always depended on each other. Although Song Jinxiu didn't seem to care much about Song Baiyu, she actually loved her son very much. , and now that Wen Wan is still pregnant, Wen Wan is devastated when she hears the news of her husband's death.

Lin Yuanhao is Song Baiyu's good brother. The two have known each other since they were young. He was also surprised when he learned that Song Baiyu had died, and Song Baiyu's death was strange. He vowed to find out the truth, but what everyone didn't know was that, Song Baiyu was a just lawyer on the surface, but in fact he did a lot of bad things, and Song Baiyu's death was related to his mother Song Jinxiu. When the final truth was revealed, Song Jinxiu was devastated. It was he who killed his son.

Who did Song Baiyu end up with?

"The Truth" Song Baiyu didn't end up with anyone because he died. Song Baiyu originally wanted to leave with his girlfriend Wen Wan, but when he was in a deal with Zhao Rui, the two fell out halfway, and Zhao Rui beat Song Baiyu cruelly. In the end, Song Baiyu did not escape, and he and Wen Wan could not get along. stay together.