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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Hua Rong" hero Yan Yue is played by Guo Junchen. His image in the play is changeable and has three identities. Everyone wants to know what Yan Yue's personality is like. Let's take a look below.

The novel is very different from the drama version. In the novel, the male and female protagonists have four identities, but the drama version is reduced to three. Let’s first understand the character and identity of the heroine in the original book. He was the master of the heroine in his previous life, and he was originally a boundary stone. In order to improve his cultivation, he took in several apprentices, including the heroine. He loves men and women I don't know much about it, so I only have a teacher-student relationship with the heroine.

After the reincarnation of the male protagonist, he became the Tianjun Yanyue, handsome in appearance and absolutely elegant. He is recognized as the most beautiful man in the three realms. . Another identity of Yan Yue is Chen Yan, and his identity is set to be the concubine son of Wu Chenghou. He likes Sima Wangyue, and later Sima Wangyue is moved by Chen Yan, and the two get together. The last level of the hero's identity is the devil emperor, he likes Wei Zhi, and is willing to give everything for him.

The male protagonist in the drama version has one less identity than the original novel. Chen Yan has become Yan Yue's previous life. On the surface, he is Wang Yue's subordinate, but in fact he is an enemy spy. He has a heavy mission on his shoulders. He has always regarded Sima Wang Yue as a Chess piece, never paid sincerity.

After Chen Yan was reincarnated, he became Yan Yue. He was the son of the Emperor of Heaven and the Sun God of the Three Realms. His mission was to get rid of Phoenix. Little did he know that Wei Zhi was Phoenix, and he had already fallen in love with Wei Zhi. The demon king is Yan Yue who has lost his memory. He no longer remembers the story with Wei Zhi, so he has become cold and ruthless. He has always used A Ya as a substitute.

Chen Yan, Yanyue and Mojun are one person, Chen Yan and Yanyue are in the past and present, and Yanyue and Mojun are in the relationship before and after amnesia, they are one body, Yanyue's final ending is still one The mystery, whether he and Wei Zhi can have a happy ending depends on how the screenwriter changes it.