本篇文章给大家谈谈梦中的那片海叶国华喜欢谁 对贺红玲一见钟情情义深,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Sea in Dreams" Ye Guohua is the second male lead, a good brother of the male protagonist, and a good buddy who grew up together. The key to being kind is self-motivated. He fell in love with a girl and asked the male protagonist to help him out. In private, I also started to communicate with the girl and actively helped her, but the girl didn't seem to like him, and she rejected his advances with righteous words. Ye Guohua was very sad, and cried to the hero, what should he do next?

The person Ye Guohua likes is He Hongling. Ever since he saw He Hongling on the street, Ye Guohua felt that his lost soul from his previous life had come back. Seeing He Hongling get on the bus, Ye Guohua rode a bicycle to chase the bus. He Hongling was fascinated.

It is no wonder that Ye Guohua likes He Hongling so much. He Hongling is a rare beauty in this film. She is beautiful and can speak well. She is also very hardworking in private. Too cold, very good at handling things.

He Hongling comes from a family of musicians. The elders and parents of the family are all music researchers. Later, because of the family composition, her family collapsed. Now she and her mother live together in the slums. The hand that played the violin can only do rough work now. Helping others carry cabbage and doing coolies to make money, her mother is not in good health and has been lying at home all the time, all the expenses are earned by He Hongling alone, although the environment is so difficult, she has never complained, nor has she ever disliked it life now.

Ye Guohua's liking for He Hongling is not only due to love at first sight, but also because of his admiration for her. At the beginning, it may be that she is beautiful, and she is very different from other girls. But after continuous understanding, Ye Guohua loves her, and also He was willing to help her, that's why he let He Hongling join the art troupe without hesitation, becoming the most shining heart in the army. Ye Guohua's affection for He Hongling didn't happen overnight, but for a lifetime.