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【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Ju Qiqi in "Mrs. Huzhu" is the classic garment of Ling Jinsi in Gongzhong who is proficient in blind embroidery, and is also the secret agent in charge of the informant. Ju Qiqi is a bad person, she hates because of love, because she loves Fang Zhu and fails to reveal the secret of Haishi's daughter, and even writes a secret letter to King Huku, framing Fang Zhuhai to kill King Huku and his wife. tribe.

2. Ju Qiqi, as the embroiderer in the Dazheng Palace, has a large number of apprentices in the palace because of her superb blind embroidery skills. This identity is her shield to cover up her true identity.