




【英文介绍/For English】:

"The First Incense" Ji'er was not with anyone in the end. Si'er is Mrs. Liang's personal servant girl. She is no different from Ge Weilong. They are both tools used by Mrs. Liang to make friends with men. Joe's interaction was limited to that night.

Si'er is a maid of the Liang family. On the surface, she is submissive, but in fact she is very sensible, open-minded, and does everything without leaking. She is more sober than Ge Weilong. Under the influence of Mrs. Liang, Si'er has become a tool for making money, but she will not give her sincerity. Ge Weilong On the other hand, her love for Qiao Qiqiao has penetrated deep into her bones.

Suier should be the person who knows Mrs. Liang best. She knows what Mrs. Liang is thinking in her heart, and she also knows Mrs. Liang's purpose, while Ge Weilong's understanding of Mrs. Liang is only superficial.

Siao'er and Qiao Qiqiao had an affair, but who is Qiao Qiqiao, he is not sincere to Ge Weilong, and it is even more impossible to have sincerity to Sian'er. In the end, he did not explain who Sian'er was with.