






【英文介绍/For English】:

Does truth have fiction?

"The Truth" does not have a novel, it is an original script. This TV series is starring Chen Xingxu and Gai Yuexi. It mainly tells the story of how the prosecutor and the police use various high-tech methods to reason and decide the case. No matter how many methods the criminal suspect uses , In the end, it is difficult to escape the sanction of the law.

"The Truth" is the country's first suspenseful web drama with the theme of detective technology, and it is directed by the Network Audio-Visual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, the Second Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Procuratorial Technology Information Research Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Seeing these, many People said that the quality of this drama must be guaranteed.

In the play, the actor Lin Yuanhao played by Chen Xingxu is a procuratorial technician. He originally worked as a prosecutor in the Dongshan Provincial Procuratorate, but later suspended his work because he was framed. He hired Lin Yuanhao and transferred him to work under him. He assisted the prosecutor in solving many unsolved and suspicious cases with professional and advanced technical means.

The truth about Lin Yuanhao's identity

"The Truth" Lin Yuanhao's identity is the trace inspection technician of the Judicial Identification Center of the People's Procuratorate of Hanjiang City. He was originally a prosecutor of the Dongshan Provincial Procuratorate, but was suspended due to someone's design. Later, he became a trace inspection technician by virtue of professional technical means, and assisted the prosecutor in solving many confusing cases.