






【英文介绍/For English】:

The role of Zhang Chulan Shougongsha

The role of Zhang Chulan Shou Gongsha in "Under One Man": to lock up Yang Qi, so that he can focus more on cultivating the Yang Wulei of Tianshi Mansion. Zhang Huaiyi planted Shougong sand on Zhang Chulan when he was very young, so that he could clean himself and love himself. It is also because of this relationship that he can practice Yang Wulei, while Zhang Lingyu can only practice Yin Wulei.

Zhang Chulan's grandfather in "Under One Man" is Zhang Huaiyi, and his Qi body source is very famous. Of course, many people also know his Shougongsha, after all, its position is a bit embarrassing.

In fact, Zhang Huaiyi planted shougong sand for Zhang Chulan with good intentions. First of all, he knows that his situation is very special and of course it is very dangerous. Zhang Chulan is his grandson, and he will definitely encounter many difficulties in the future, so in order to make Zhang Chulan more motivated, he restrained Zhang Chulan with Shou Gongsha One is to hope that he will not be confused by the opposite sex with bad intentions, and the other is to hope that he can keep himself clean, maintain a good masculinity, and practice the five thunders of yang. After all, in the world of aliens, only those with high skills can better protect themselves and those around them.

Where did Zhang Chulan's father go?

The whereabouts of Zhang Chulan's father in "Under One Man" is unknown. When Zhang Huaiyi released his whereabouts and the enemy came to hunt him down, Zhang Chulan's father, Zhang Yude, disappeared, just like Zhang Huaiyi's behavior back then.