





魏如萱结过婚,但已经离婚,前夫是隆宸翰。魏如萱和隆宸翰因为合作《地下铁》相识,在2018年5月份,两人宣布怀孕的消息,但2022 年10月他们就离婚了。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Wei Ruxuan single now?

1. Wei Ruxuan is single now. Wei Ruxuan's ex-husband is Long Chenhan, an actor, and they have collaborated in musicals. Compared with Wei Ruxuan, Long Chenhan's popularity is not high, but they are still in love and get married later.

2. But married life is not easy. They got married and had children, and announced their divorce in 2022.

3. Now Wei Ruxuan lives with her son, is single, writes songs every day, and lives a good life.

Is Wei Ruxuan married?

Wei Ruxuan was married but divorced. Her ex-husband was Long Chenhan. Wei Ruxuan and Long Chenhan met because of their cooperation in "Subway". In May 2018, the two announced their pregnancy, but they divorced in October 2022.