






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Tibetan Sea Flower finished?

"Hidden Sea Flower" is not finished, and now it is in a state of suspension. Two original books have been published, but there has been no final ending, and readers are used to it. After all, the author Nanpai Sanshu often does such things, and everyone is used to it. Curious about what Wu Xie and the little brother experienced later.

"Hidden Sea Flowers" is the postquel of "Tomb Raiders Notes", the background of the story takes place in the fifth year after the end of "Tomb Raiders Notes", and it is also the prequel of "Sand Sea". In the book, Wu Xie's peaceful life was interrupted by Da Jinya Jin Wantang's sudden visit. From Da Jinya's words, Wu Xie knew that the scorpion pattern on the moonstone he brought out from the Zhang family's ancient building was actually the same as the one he had when he was a child. Brother has something to do with it.

In order to find clues, Wu Xie traveled many places. He went to Nepal, and later to Medog, Tibet. Here, Wu Xie found my brother's oil painting in a post office. This surprised Wu Xie, because Medog and Xiao Brother seemed unrelated, and this also made Wu Xie realize that it was not by accident that he came to Medog, but by someone else's design. Then the fake Wu Xie also came here, not only that, but he had to prove that he was the real Wu Xie, and the real Wu Xie was very speechless.

What is behind the bronze door of Zanghaihua

Behind the bronze door of "Hidden Sea Flowers" is the secret of longevity. This is also a secret that the Zhang family has always wanted to protect. Wang Zanghai founded the Wang family precisely because he wanted to know this secret. The reason why the Wang family has been against the Zhang family for so many years is because The secret behind the bronze door.