






【英文介绍/For English】:

Restart the ending of the extreme sea listening to thunder

The ending of "Restart of the Extreme Sea Tinglei": Audio-Technica teamed up to save Eleven Warehouse, Er Jing died, Wu Erbai's surgery was also very successful, Wu Xie handed Wu Shanju to Hodolf to take care of his second uncle, Wang Meng He also got the shares of Wushanju and became a shareholder of Wushanju. The dumb girl didn't die either, and the blind man was very happy when he found out, and Fatty Wang adopted Xiaomei, and their lives finally returned to peace.

At the beginning of the play, all of this was actually set up by Wu Erbai, with the purpose of curing Wu Xie. Wu Xie's lung disease can be saved in Leicheng, but going to Leicheng is a very dangerous thing, and some people may die because of it on the way. Wu Xie is so kind, he definitely doesn't want to, so Wu Erbai made it up on purpose After doing this, I want Wu Xie to set off for Leicheng obediently by himself.

Brother and the others actually knew that this was Wu Erbai's plan, but for Wu Xie's health, they were willing to be used by Wu Erbai. Many things happened along the way, and Wu Xie and the others also encountered many dangers, but Fortunately, in the end, Wu Xie really got cured in Leicheng, and he also got news from his third uncle. After they returned to the Eleven Warehouse, they also solved the inner ghost and relieved the trouble for the Eleven Warehouse.

Restart the Extreme Sea and listen to how the dumb girl died

The dumb girl in "Restart of the Extreme Sea Tinglei" has always liked Heixiazi, but the dumb girl was used by Boss Jiao to send a help video to Heixiazi, but it was unexpected that Heixiazi and others did not see this help video in time , So Boss Jiao thought the dumb girl was useless, so he killed her.