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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Children of the Qiao Family", Er Qiang and Ma Suqin are a very sweet pair. Ma Suqin was Er Qiang's first love. Although they were not together at the beginning, Er Qiang married Sun Xiaomo, but Sun Xiaomo did not love Er Qiang. Qiang, also cheated many times in marriage, and finally the two divorced, and then Er Qiang and Ma Suqin reunited, and the two sparked the spark of love. married. But the happy life between Er Qiang and Ma Suqin has not been too long, and the two have problems again. Many people are curious and want to know what is the ending of Ma Suqin and Qiao Erqiang in "Children of the Qiao Family"? Why did they divorce and did they reconcile in the end?

It is reported that the reason why Ma Suqin wanted to divorce Qiao Erqiang was because Sun Xiaomo came back, and she also brought a child with her. Ma Suqin thought it was the son of Erqiang, so she offered to divorce, hoping that Erqiang and Sun Xiaomo could reconcile. Taking care of his son, Erqiang was very sad when he saw the letter Ma Suqin left for him. The person he loves is Ma Suqin.

He and Sun Xiaomo got into a fight like that before, and they no longer have feelings for each other. Even if Sun Xiaomo comes back with the child now, it is impossible for him to reconcile with her, not to mention that the child is not the top two. When she was not divorced, she cheated many times and was pregnant with other men's children several times, so the son Sun Xiaomo gave birth to was not the second best, but Sun Xiaomo still had the cheek to make everyone, including the second strongest, think that the child belonged to him. When watching Sun Xiaomo enjoying the guilt of the second strong man for herself with peace of mind, the audience was very angry.

Her appearance this time disturbed Er Qiang's originally peaceful and happy life, causing ripples between Er Qiang and Ma Suqin again, but Er Qiang would never be with Sun Xiaomo again, Er Qiang loved Ma Suqin deeply, and he couldn't bear it anymore Others, although now Ma Suqin decided to divorce Er Qiang, but I believe that the last two people will definitely reconcile.