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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Sea in the Dream" Xiao Chunsheng injured his legs and couldn't stand up. Tong Xiaomei was anxious that Xiao Chunsheng wanted to give up on himself. Fortunately, God did not disappoint the hardworking young man. Now Xiao Chunsheng finally stood up again. Tong Xiaomei was excited and Xiao Chunsheng Chunsheng embraced each other, it was really not easy to achieve the current result, I can only say that Tong Xiaomei and Xiao Chunsheng's efforts were not in vain.

"The Sea in the Dream" Xiao Chunsheng's legs stand up well is the 24th episode. Li Shangyou deliberately competed for Xiao Chunsheng's treatment equipment, Tong Xiaomei desperately guarded, watching Tong Xiaomei being beaten, Xiao Chunsheng was inspired by unexpected potential, he stood up, dragged his legs and limped towards Tong Xiaomei, desperately Protect Tong Xiaomei from being beaten by Li Youyou.

Tong Xiaomei watched Xiao Chunsheng stand up, the key still took a few steps, she was ecstatic in her heart, she was very excited, her hard work for so long was really not in vain, and Xiao Chunsheng's dedication has also paid off, the two embraced together, weeping with joy .

When Xiao Chunsheng was a soldier, he went on a mission with Ye Guohua, but he did not expect to encounter a landmine. In order to protect Ye Guohua, Xiao Chunsheng took the risk by himself, and was later injured. Although he woke up, there were two shrapnel in his body. The pressure on the spine made it impossible for him to stand up. Subsequent surgery was performed to remove the shrapnel, but Xiao Chunsheng's legs were still unable to stand up.

The doctor said that this result can only depend on good luck. After all, blood pressure or nerve damage may be possible. Tong Xiaomei did not want to give up. Acupuncture and foreign laser treatment, she asked her mother to build a foreign equipment. After going through many difficulties and dangers, the equipment Finally arrived, I didn't expect Li Youyou to come to do something.

Xiao Chunsheng was slightly injured in this incident, but it was a blessing in disguise. Tong Xiaomei saw Xiao Chunsheng stand up, which gave them confidence. They continued to train and underwent laser treatment. Xiao Chunsheng was finally able to stand up. With consciousness, I was able to stand up, and then slowly cooperated to completely get rid of the crutches.

Xiao Chunsheng was able to stand up again, thanks to Tong Xiaomei, if it wasn't for her company and encouragement, Xiao Chunsheng himself would have given up.