最近有很多热心网友都十分关心花戎魏枝前世是谁 魏枝什么时候恢复前世记忆这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「流年独殇」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Hua Rong" Ju Jingyi played the role of the triangle, Wei Zhi, Sima Wangyue and the Queen are all played by her. Among them, Sima Wangyue is Wei Zhi's previous life. Everyone is very curious about what Wei Zhi experienced in his previous life. She and Has Yan Yue ever had a sadomasochistic relationship?

In the 18th episode, the Demon Lord found out that Wei Zhi was extradited for Yanyue, and he was shocked. He did not expect Wei Zhi to do this for Yanyue. The Demon Lord did not want Wei Zhi to be hurt like in his previous life. So she took her to the Sansheng Stone to help her restore her past life memories, thus inspiring Phoenix's third nirvana.

Wei Zhi's previous life name was Sima Wangyue, she was a general's daughter, she was heroic and agile, she liked to dance with knives and guns the most, she was not like a lady, she was not coquettish, not weak, and she didn't like to be popular. Sima Wangyue is familiar with the art of war, determined to defend her family and country, and become a heroine. Her mother always wanted her to find a good husband and live a peaceful life.

Sima Wangyue's younger brother, Mu Nan, is the previous life of the Demon Lord. Mu Nan obeyed Sima Wangyue's words. As long as Sima Wangyue needed help, Mu Nan would definitely help. Until Sima Wangyue met Chen Yan, the fate of the three people A lot has changed.

Chen Yan is the god of the red sun who came down to earth, turned into a soldier and hid in the Sima family's army, and attracted Sima Wangyue's attention because of his extraordinary heroism. At first, Sima Wangyue approached Chen Yan disguised as a man, but Chen Yan already knew her identity. Later, Chen Yan and Sima Wangyue experienced many things together, and the two fell in love with each other. Unfortunately, their relationship ended in tragedy.

Chen Yan was a spy sent by the enemy country to use Sima Wangyue to cause a rebellion. Sima Wangyue's father also died because of Chen Yan. Although Chen Yan liked Sima Wangyue, he valued national interests more, so he and Sima Wangyue became enemies. Sima Wangyue never thought that the person he loved was a hypocrite. In the end, Chen Yan killed Sima Wangyue. After completing his calamity in the human world, he returned to the heaven to restore his identity as Yan Yue.