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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Sweeping Black Storm", Gao Mingyuan and the public officials work together to seek benefits for themselves on the premise of harming the interests of the people. As the central investigation team came to Luteng City, many people with problems began to worry. Cailu and Xiaoming started to act one after another. He Yong is the leader of the special case team. He devoted himself to the investigation of the Mai Zili case as soon as he arrived. Pei Wei is his right-hand man. The two cooperated very tacitly during the work process. , but sometimes Pei Wei's eyes and expressions make people feel that something is wrong, so is Pei a good person in "Sweeping Black Storm"? Is Pei Wei a black policeman? Did he collude with Gao Mingyuan and others?

It is reported that Pei Wei is a good person, he did not collude with Gao Mingyuan and others, although sometimes Pei Wei's eyes make people feel that he is a bad person, but in fact Pei Wei did not do anything bad, he is also loyal to He Yong Yes, because there are many details hidden in this play, the audience will interpret every seemingly unreasonable place. Pei Wei was accidentally over-interpreted by everyone, and then he was wronged as a bad person. Pei Wei and He Yong cooperated very well, and he followed He Yong all the time. This time when He Yong came to Lvteng City to investigate the case, Pei Wei also came together.

Pei Wei is a good policeman, and he also wanted to find out about Mai Zili's case as soon as possible, but this matter involved too many people and things, so the investigation of the case progressed slowly, and they repeatedly hit the wall. Fortunately, Li Chengyang came to help. Although he is no longer a policeman, Li Chengyang still has a sense of responsibility belonging to the police in his heart, and he has not been polluted. He is still the righteous Li Chengyang 14 years ago.

He Yong and Li Chengyang finally confirmed that the other party is a good person. They are both very pleased about this. Time has not changed their appearance. Fourteen years later, Li Chengyang and He Yong joined hands to investigate the case of Mai Zili, and Li Chengyang's master Lin Han Death, and the fact that Li Chengyang himself was framed, everyone is very much looking forward to the final outcome, wanting to see Li Chengyang's handsome appearance in the police uniform again.