本篇文章给大家谈谈奔跑吧第十一季有孙珍妮吗 孙珍妮玩泥巴是哪一期,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

Every episode of the eleventh season of "Let's Run" has flying guests joining, some familiar and some unfamiliar. Among them, Bailu's best friend Sun Zhenni also participated in the recording of the show. Audiences who have watched "Long Moon Ember" should be familiar with it. Knowing Sun Zhenni, she played the nine-tailed fox Pianran and received a lot of praise.

The flying guest of the ninth and tenth episodes of "Let's Run 11" is Sun Zhenni, and the recording location is from May 24th to 25th. Bailu is the resident guest of Running Man. She collaborated with Sun Zhenni in "Long Moon Embers". Definitely more adaptable.

Bailu has gained countless fans with the show Running Man. She has no idol baggage, plays games very seriously, and has the effect of the show, so she has become a resident guest. When Sun Zhenni participated in the running man, the program team arranged a quagmire game, which was not very friendly to the guests. After all, they cared about their own image in front of the camera, but the game belongs to the game, just to present a good program effect. game settings.

Sun Zhenni and Bailu participated in the mud game. The two were covered in mud from head to toe. They looked very embarrassed. It would be really hard to recognize them if they were not close fans. From this point of view, Sun Zhenni and Bailu are female stars who can afford to play. The two abide by the rules of the program and fully devote themselves to the game like everyone else. In fact, they also get happiness from it.

In everyone's impression, celebrities are glamorous, well-dressed, and exquisitely made-up. In fact, they are no different from ordinary people, and they all make money by working hard. Through the program Running Man, Sun Zhenni made everyone look at her with admiration. She is indeed an excellent artist, and she works hard to do every job well.

Sun Zhenni was born in 2000. She studied at the Shanghai Theater Academy. She is good at singing and dancing, and now she is also studying acting. In 2016, Sun Zhenni officially debuted as a member of the sixth generation of snh48. She participated in "Creation Camp 2020", and later starred in film and television works such as "Marrying a Little Talented Girl", "Dear Tianhu Master" and "Long Moon Embers". There are many opportunities to prove yourself.