据哈哈娱乐网网站「最终的吻安」消息,近日,我在他乡挺好的许言和沈子畅为什么分手 俩人发生了什么引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "I'm Fine in a Foreign Land", Xu Yan and Shen Zichang have always had a good relationship. Although the two will quarrel, they will soon reconcile. Moreover, they have been together for several years and are already talking about marriage. In order to buy a house in Beijing, Xu Yan and Shen Zichang have imagined the future and are working hard for a better tomorrow, but unexpectedly, the two broke up in the ending. What's going on? ? "I'm Fine in a Foreign Land" Why did Xu Yan and Shen Zichang break up, what happened between the two of them, did Xu Yan or Shen Zichang cheat?

It is reported that Xu Yan and Shen Zichang did not betray each other, they still loved each other until they broke up, but after going through so many things, they found that the other party is not suitable for marriage and life, dating is fine, but marriage is not. Both Xu Yan and Shen Zichang have tough tempers. Although Shen Zichang would take the initiative to coax her after quarreling with Xu Yan, Shen Zichang still has resentment accumulated in his heart, and Xu Yan can't see that Shen Zichang is proud. In his heart, he always pretended that Shen Zichang was willing to coax Xu Yan because he still loved Xu Yan very much. If Shen Zichang got bored one day in the future, he would not take the initiative to bow his head again.

What's more, both of them are the only children of the family, they were spoiled and spoiled, and they are unwilling to endure hardships. When the two of them were saving money to buy a house, Shen Zichang felt very wronged that he couldn't even drink Coke. Later, Xu Yan was cheated out of 80,000 yuan, and he was even more angry. The relationship between the two of them was cracked. They went through a long period of cold war, and during this time, Xu Yan and Shen Zichang Finally figured it out, the two of them decided not to delay each other anymore.

Xu Yan and Shen Zichang actually still love each other, but they are still very naive and immature in thinking, just based on their way of getting along, sooner or later they will break up. Both are beneficial. Xu Yan and Shen Zichang grew up in different environments, and they are destined to have many differences. They are suitable for dating, but they cannot get to the stage of marriage. This is also formed by the gathering of many factors.