



【英文介绍/For English】:

When Bengbu is stuck, it means that it can't hold on anymore, and it's about to lose its hold. We all know that the pronunciation of Bengbu is [bèngbù]. When it is combined with living, it becomes Bengbuzhu.

The popularity of the Internet term Bengbuzhu has fully felt the pressure of contemporary young people. When young people's emotions break down in a moment, the collapse is only a moment. Therefore, when you suffer a huge grievance, pressure, or feel helpless and want to cry, you can cry. After all, you have to release yourself if you live in Bengbu The emotion of Bengbu Live, of course, can also be used in the completely opposite context.

When you receive a surprise or something good happens, you are very happy and excited, and you can’t help but want to smile or laugh, and you can live in Bengbu, after all. It expresses that I can't hold it anymore, I want to cry or laugh. The context is different, and the meaning that Bengbu Zhuzhu wants to express is completely different.